Selected Nodes

'; //the template to display each node, notice the recursive template binding with UL var nodeTmpl = ''; //the item inside the node, a checkbox and a label. var itemTmpl ='' //append templates if ( !document.getElementById('ko-treeview-root-tmpl') ) { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', rootTmpl); } if ( !document.getElementById('ko-treeview-node-tmpl') ) { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', nodeTmpl); } if ( !document.getElementById('ko-treeview-item-tmpl') ) { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', itemTmpl); } //apply first binding ko.applyBindingsToNode(rootElement,{template:{name:"ko-treeview-root-tmpl"}},options); }, init: function(element, valueAccessor) { //style element element.className = "ko-treeview-container"; var options = valueAccessor(); if ( ! ) { throw new Error("ko.bindingHandlers.treeView: No data to display"); } //extend options with search = ko.observable(""); //set default data values if (!options.label) options.label = 'id'; if (!options.childNode) options.childNode = 'children'; //create the tree ko.bindingHandlers.treeView.createNodes(element,options); valueAccessor().data.subscribe(function() { ko.bindingHandlers.treeView.createNodes(element,options); }); //let this handler control its descendants. return { controlsDescendantBindings: true }; } }; function vm(){ this.selectedNodes = ko.observableArray([]); = ko.observableArray([ { id:"Level 1", children:[ {id:"Level 1-1",children:[ {id:"Level 1-1-1",children:[ {id:"Level 1-1-1-1"} ]} ]}, {id:"Level 1-2"}, ] }, { id:"Level 2", children:[ {id:"Level 2-1",children:[ {id:"Level 2-1-1"} ]}, {id:"Level 2-2"}, ] }, ]); } var myVM = new vm(); ko.applyBindings(myVM);