The mark element represents a run of text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context. ... the mark element

Someone has used span tags with classes to do what <mark> can do. So we want to get use <mark> instead.

A good cat story has all the elements of any good story: plot, characters, setting, intrigue, excitement, drama! This is the kind of cat story you will love to tell and to which your audience will love to listen, whether that audience fills an auditorium or is one little person on your knee.

Test for mark cat.

Cats can be described in as many ways as there are cats. They are independent and sometimes quirky. Cats can be lazy or a bundle of energy. One thing that is certain: Cats are soft to the touch and many people love them to distraction. As characters in stories, cats are often humorous, maybe because they are like someone we know.

But cats are not all just balls of fluff. In many homes they serve a purpose, too. Without cats, many houses would be overrun with mice and other rodents. This function of keeping down the rodent population translates into story characters that are sly and tricky. cats are often portrayed over against the mice that must outwit them in order to survive.

This lens will explore some of these cat characters, these cool cats that show up in the oddest places and are told about in a cat story.

Cat Stories Are Close to the Heart of a Cat Lover