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;(function(global) {
    // 'new' an object
    const FormatNum = function(num, digits, unit) {
        return new FormatNum.init(num, digits, unit);   
    // hidden within the scope of the IIFE and never directly accessible
    const supportedUnit = ['normal', 'scientific'];
    const unit = {
        normalUnit: [
          { value: 1000000000,  symbol: "B" },
          { value: 1000000,  symbol: "M" },
          { value: 1000,  symbol: "k" }
        siUnit: [
          { value: 1E18, symbol: "E" },
          { value: 1E15, symbol: "P" },
          { value: 1E12, symbol: "T" },
          { value: 1E9,  symbol: "G" },
          { value: 1E6,  symbol: "M" },
          { value: 1E3,  symbol: "k" }
    // prototype holds methods (to save memory space)
    FormatNum.prototype = {
        validate: function() {
            // check that is a valid language
            // references the externally inaccessible 'supportedUnit' within the closure
             if (supportedUnit.indexOf(this.unit)  === -1) {
                throw "Invalid unit";   
        calculate: function(unitType) {
          const unitMap = unit[unitType]; 
          const rx = /\.0+$|(\.[0-9]*[1-9])0+$/;
          for (let i = 0; i < unitMap.length; i++) {
            if (this.num >= unitMap[i].value) {
              return (this.num / unitMap[i].value).toFixed(this.digits || 1).replace(rx, "$1") + unitMap[i].symbol;
        formatScientific: function() {
          return this.calculate('siUnit');
        formatNormal: function() {
          return this.calculate('normalUnit');
        // chainable methods return their own containing object
        format: function(unit) {
            let formattedNum;
            // if undefined or null it will be coerced to 'false'
            if (unit === 'scientific') {
                formattedNum = this.formatScientific();  
            else {
                formattedNum = this.formatNormal();  
            this.formattedNum = formattedNum;
            // 'this' refers to the calling object at execution time
            // makes the method chainable
            return this;
        log: function() {
            if (console) {
                console.log('formattedNum is: ' + this.formattedNum); 
            // make chainable
            return this;
    // the actual object is created here, allowing us to 'new' an object without calling 'new'
    FormatNum.init = function(num, digits, unit) {
        const self = this;
        self.num = num || '';
        self.digits = digits || '';
        self.unit = unit || 'normal';
    // trick borrowed from jQuery so we don't have to use the 'new' keyword
    FormatNum.init.prototype = FormatNum.prototype;
    global.FormatNum = global.F$ = FormatNum;

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