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    var Person = function(name){
            this.name = name;
        Person.prototype.species = 'Homo Sapien';
        Person.prototype.speak =function(toWhom) { 
            return 'Hello ' + toWhom + '. My name is ' + this.name + '.';
    module('new, dot, and dotcall');
        test('NEW', function(){
            var person = NEW(Person, ['Alexis']);
            equal(person.name, 'Alexis', 'new function called');
            var greet = 'Hello Justin. My name is Alexis.';
            equal(person.speak('Justin'), greet, 'method on prototype called');
    test('INSTANCEOF', function() {
            var person = new Person('Alexis');
            ok(INSTANCEOF(person, Person), 'person is an instanceof Person');
            ok(INSTANCEOF(person, Object), 'person is an instanceof Object');
            equal(INSTANCEOF(person, Array), false, 'person is not an instanceof Array');
Write the new operator as if it was implemented in JS.
var Person = function(name) {
    this.name = name;
Person.prototype.speak = function(){ console.log(‘Hello!’) }
var person = NEW( Person, ['name'] );
// var person = new Person(‘name’)
var justin = new Person('Justin');
var alexis = NEW(Person, ['Alexis']);
justin.speak(); //Justin
alexis.speak(); //Alexis
NEW takes the constructor function and an array of arguments
NEW = function(constructor, args) {
  //create a new object: {}
  //set proto of our object, to the prototype of the constructor
  //call constructor with our object as the context
  //return our new object
  Write the instanceof operator as if it was implemented in JS.
    var Person = function(name) {
        this.name = name;
    person = new Person( 'Alexis' );
    INSTANCEOF( person, Person );
    Check the proto chain for the constructor’s prototype.
    var Person = function(name) {
        this.name = name;
    var person = new Person('Justin');
    person instanceof Person; //true
    INSTANCEOF(person, Person); //true
    person instanceof Object; //true
    INSTANCEOF(person, Object); //true
    person instanceof Array; //false
    INSTANCEOF(person, Array); //false
INSTANCEOF = function(obj, constructor) {
  //walk up obj's proto chain until
  //the prototype of our constructor is found

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