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  <title>Testing Controller Actions</title>
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/*=================== APP ====================*/
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.PostsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
  propA: 'You need to write tests',
  propB: 'And write one for me too',
  setPropB: function(str) {
    this.set('propB', str);
  actions: {
    setProps: function(str) {
      this.set('propA', 'Testing is cool');
/*=================== TESTS ====================*/
setResolver(Ember.DefaultResolver.create({ namespace: App }));
moduleFor('controller:posts', 'Posts Controller');
test('calling the action setProps updates props A and B', function() {
  // get the controller instance
  var ctrl = this.subject();
  // check the properties before the action is triggered
  equal(ctrl.get('propA'), 'You need to write tests');
  equal(ctrl.get('propB'), 'And write one for me too');
  // trigger the action on the controller by using the `send` method, 
  // passing in any params that our action may be expecting
  ctrl.send('setProps', 'Testing Rocks!');
  // finally we assert that our values have been updated 
  // by triggering our action.
  equal(ctrl.get('propA'), 'Testing is cool');
  equal(ctrl.get('propB'), 'Testing Rocks!');

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