If we do the toggle before we change the text (More/Less), things are fine UNLESS we do an animation because while the animation is running the :visible reports true.
If you add "slow" or 1000 inside .toggle() this messes up the timing - try it
$(document).ready(function () {

// report the status of h5.next visible  
// if we do the toggle before we change the text (More/Less), things are fine UNLESS we do an animation because while the animation is running the :visible reports true.
// if you add "slow" or 1000 inside .toggle() this messes up the timing - try it  
    $("h5.closed").click(function () {
      // do the toggle  (change parameter)    
      tellMe($(this),"Before if(.is(:visible'))");
// change the prompt 
      if ($(this).next().is(":visible")){          
       $(this).html("Less" );
       } else {
// helper functions 
  function h5nextVisible(when){
  // report the status of h5.next visible  
  // do this with .each because there could be more than one  
      var msg = when ;
     msg += "   h5.closed.next().is(':visible')  " ;
     msg += $(this).is(":visible") ;
// helper function to write to log  
  function tellMe(elem,when){
    var msg=when + " ";
    msg+="visible is: ";
    msg+=$(elem).next().is(":visible") + ", ";
    msg+="class is: " ;
    msg+= $(elem).attr("class");