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<script src="//jashkenas.github.io/underscore/underscore-min.js"></script>
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  <title>JS Bin</title>
  <div id="page">
  <script type="blah/template" id="pageTemplate">
  <h1>Dating Site</h1>
  <% for(var i = 0; i < people.length; i++){ var p = people[i]; %>
      <a href="<%= p.url %>">
        Meet <%= p.firstName %>, <%= p.age %> years old. 
        <% if (p.hasPic){ %>
          <img src="<%= p.picSrc %>"/>
        <% } %>
  <% } %>
var peopleArray = [
  {firstName: "Marcia", lastName: "Fox", age: 27, hasPic: false, url: "#dateme/21"},
  {firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Lonely", age: 42, picSrc: "http://www.fillmurray.com/g/100/100", hasPic: true, url:"#dateme/1"},
  {firstName: "Angela", lastName: "Merkel", age: 61, hasPic: true, picSrc: "http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/daily/intelligencer/2015/12/09/09-timeangela-merkel.w245.h368.png", url: "#dateme/19982"}
var pageTemplate = _.template(
); //creates a function which consumes JSON
document.getElementById('page').innerHTML = pageTemplate({people: peopleArray});

You can jump to the latest bin by adding /latest to your URL

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