Rock, Paper, Scissors

Folow the steps to finish the game. Some parts have been started for you.

Remember "//" is a comment in the code and will do nothing

When you see "//todo:" in the code, you need to add more code

  1. Ask the user for thier choice
    var usersChoice = prompt("Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?");
  2. Get a random computer choice by calling the GetRandomChoice() function and saving it to the "computerChoice" variable.
    var computerChoice = GetRandomChoice();
  3. Display the computer's choice. Remember to use the alert command.
    alert("The computer chooses " + computerChoice);
  4. Find the winner and save the results as "results" using the GetResults() function.
    var results = GetResults(usersChoice, computerChoice);
  5. Complete the GetResults() function. Only a few possible situations have been completed.
  6. Display the winner
  7. Run the game