var oHTML = new sap.ui.core.HTML("HOME",{content:'
'+ ''+'

backup content

' +'
'}); oText = new sap.ui.commons.TextView("myText",{ text: "In the conten area you can place any SAPUI5 control or a control hierarchy.\n You can use a layout to create complex structures." }); oButton= new sap.ui.commons.Button("myButton",{ text: "Click me!", tooltip: "please click me", press: function(oEvent){alert("Thank you for clicking me!");} }); oImage= new sap.ui.commons.Image("myImage",{ src: "images/SAPLogo.gif", width: "100%", alt: "Hete should be an image.", tooltip: "This is an image", decorative: false }); var oAPI = new sap.ui.core.HTML("API",{ content: '
'+ ''+'


' +'
' }); var oShell = new sap.ui.ux3.Shell("myShell", { appIconTooltip: "SAP logo", showLogoutButton: true, showSearchTool: true, showInspectorTool: true, showFeederTool: true, worksetItems: [new sap.ui.ux3.NavigationItem("WI_home",{key:"wi_home",text:"Monitor"}), new sap.ui.ux3.NavigationItem("WI_1",{key:"wi_1",text:"Examples", subItems:[ new sap.ui.ux3.NavigationItem("WI_1_1",{key:"wi_1_1",text:"Text"}), new sap.ui.ux3.NavigationItem("WI_1_2",{key:"wi_1_2",text:"Button"}), new sap.ui.ux3.NavigationItem("WI_1_3",{key:"wi_1_3",text:"Image"})]}), new sap.ui.ux3.NavigationItem("WI_API",{key:"wi_api",text:"API Documentation"})], headerItems: [new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text:"User Name",tooltip:"U.Name"}), new sap.ui.commons.Button({text:"Personalize",tooltip:"Personalize",press:function(oEvent){alert("Here could open an personalize dialog");}}), new sap.ui.commons.MenuButton({ text: "Help", tooltip: "Help Menu", menu: new sap.ui.commons.Menu("menu1",{items:[ new sap.ui.commons.MenuItem("menuitem1",{text:"Help"}), new sap.ui.commons.MenuItem("menuitem2",{text:"Report Incident"}), new sap.ui.commons.MenuItem("menuitem3",{text:"About"})]}) })], worksetItemSelected: function(oEvent){ var sId = oEvent.getParameter("id"); var oShell = oEvent.oSource; switch (sId) { case "WI_home": oShell.setContent(oHTML); break; case "WI_1_1": oShell.setContent(oText); break; case "WI_1_2": oShell.setContent(oButton); break; case "WI_1_3": oShell.setContent(oImage); break; case "WI_API": oShell.setContent(oAPI); break; default: break; } }, paneBarItemSelected: function(oEvent){ var sKey = oEvent.getParameter("key"); var oShell = oEvent.oSource; switch (sKey) { case "pi_date": var oDate = new Date(); oShell.setPaneContent(new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text:oDate.toLocaleString()}), true); break; case "pi_browser": oShell.setPaneContent(new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text:"You browser provides the following information:\n"+navigator.userAgent}), true); break; default: break; } }, logout:function(){ alert("Logout Button has been clicked.\nThe application can now do whatever is required."); }, search:function(oEvent){ alert("Search triggered: " + oEvent.getParameter("text")); }, feedSubmit:function(oEvent){ alert("Feed entry submitted: " + oEvent.getParameter("text")); }, paneClosed : function(oEvent) { alert("Pane has been closed: " + oEvent.getParameter("id")); } }).placeAt("content"); dsPieChart(dataset); /************************************************** VIEW *************************/ sap.ui.localResources("delaware_pimonitor"); var view = sap.ui.view({ id : "idmonitor1", viewName : "delaware_pimonitor.monitor", type : sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS }); var viewDashboard = sap.ui.view({ id : "iddashboard1", viewName : "delaware_pimonitor.Dashboard", type : sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS }); /* // create the button instance var myButton = new sap.ui.commons.Button("btn"); // set properties, e.g. the text (there is also a shorter way of setting several properties) myButton.setText("Hello World!"); // attach an action to the button's "press" event (use jQuery to fade out the button) myButton.attachPress(function() { $("#btn").fadeOut() }); // place the button into the HTML element defined below myButton.placeAt("uiArea"); */