Directive scope testing

This is the content. We need in the blob directive, unrelated to the issue being demonstrated.
dt in blob scope: {{dt}}

Notice how the above Angular-UI popup date picker will not appear again in this directive once a date has been selected from the popup.

Outside this blob (directive) however, the pop up continues to function correctly even when a date is selected.

For demonstration purposes, I've used the exact same markup and property for displaying the popup so that the two will influence each other. The same [broken] behaviour in the blob directive can be seen even if the popup and date picker outside the blob are removed.

By having the same markup and is-open property, we see the popup appear outside the blob when the calendar icon is clicked inside the blob, so the open function appears to be working correctly. It seems the popup in the dialog cannot be re-created once it has been dismissed by selecting a date.

Issue: date picker popup broken in parent directive.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Reload the page.
  2. Click the calendar icon in the first date picker.
  3. Select a date.
  4. Click the calendar icon in the first date picker.
  5. Expected: Popup appears
  6. Actual: Popup doesn't appear.
Selected date is: {{dt | date:'fullDate' }}

Outside the dialog