Week 09 homework - Lamprey Place-code to Rate-code conversion


  due date: Tue Mar 14 by 9:00 PM
  email to: mcb419@gmail.com
  subject: hw09
  email contents:
    1) jsbin.com link to your project code (THIS FILE)
    2) answer all the questions at the bottom of this page in the email


This week’s homework explores the use of spike-based models in visuomotor circuits. You will be implementing two neural circuits for place-code to rate-code conversion from Fig. 3 of the paper by Kamali-Sarvestani et al. (2012).

To get started, you should review the Braitenberg spiking demo and understand how it works. Then you can move on to the main part of the assignment decribed here. Most of the code has been provided for you in the template file. You need to complete the wiring diagram for two cases: prey and predator, as controlled by the ‘predator/prey’ checkbox in the user interface.


Part 1) Implement Circuitry for Prey Approach Mode
Based on Fig. 3A, complete the wiring diagram and specify appropriate connection weights, such that a wheeled vehicle would display an appropriate orienting response to prey.

Part 2) Implement Circuitry for Predator Escape Mode
Based on Fig. 3B, complete the wiring diagram and specify appropriate connection weights, such that a wheeled vehicle would display an appropriate orienting response to a predator.