angular-formly issue

angular: 1.4.7 | angular-formly: 8.4.1

Steps to report an issue (or to request a feature)

  1. Reproduce the issue (or reason for this feature request) in this jsbin. Protip: Please format your code. In jsbin, if you select all the text, then hit shift + tab, it will format all the code for you
  2. Update the steps to reproduce with steps the user takes or just a sentence or two describing what you're trying to accomplish
  3. Copy the link to your jsbin
  4. Paste the link in a new issue on angular-formly

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3


Model Value



  "$error": {},
  "$name": "vm.form",
  "$dirty": false,
  "$pristine": true,
  "$valid": true,
  "$invalid": false,
  "$submitted": false,
  "vm.form_input_firstInput_0": {
    "$validators": {},
    "$asyncValidators": {},
    "$parsers": [],
    "$formatters": [
    "$viewChangeListeners": [],
    "$untouched": true,
    "$touched": false,
    "$pristine": true,
    "$dirty": false,
    "$valid": true,
    "$invalid": false,
    "$error": {},
    "$name": "vm.form_input_firstInput_0",
    "$options": null

Fields (note, functions are not shown)

    "key": "firstInput",
    "type": "input",
    "templateOptions": {
      "label": "Input",
      "placeholder": "Formly is terrific!"
    "expressionProperties": {
      "templateOptions.label": "model[options.key] || \"Input\""
    "key": "text",
    "type": "checkbox",
    "templateOptions": {
      "label": "Hidden box"
    "hideExpression": "!model.firstInput"

Form State

Edit in JS Bin