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//Example for the article: https://rationaldev.com/exception-handling-promises-vs-observables/
var promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
  console.log('running promise');
  console.log('about to throw exception in promise');
  throw "Error Promise";
promise.then( x => console.log(x));
console.log('NOTE: promise swallows exception and continues');
var source = Rx.Observable.create((observer) => {
  console.log('running observable');
  console.log('about to throw exception in observable');
  throw "Error Observable";
  observer.onNext('observable onNext');
// uncomment below to catch observable exception
// }).catch(function(e){
//   console.log('Caught observable exception and returning it');
//   return Rx.Observable.return(e);
//subscribe to observable to kick it off
//shows we got to the end of the program. We never get here unless we catch the observable exception
console.log('last statement running');

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