A collection of great monospaced typefaces

Anonymous Pro 1 2 weights with bold and italic Apercu Mono 1 1 weight, no bold nor italic Archive Mono 1 1 Botanika 1 3 weights with bold and italic Consolas Courier Prime 1 2 weights, bold and italic DejaVu Sans Mono Dispatch Mono 1 2 weights, bold and italic. Dispatch Mono is a distinctly angular monospaced typeface and an outgrowth of Cyrus Highsmith’s Dispatch family. Building on the original idea of Dispatch as an industrial, foursquare slab-serif for text and display, Dispatch Mono stands up on its own, reinforcing the repetitive, geometric forms of Dispatch and adding references to typewriter fonts and computer code. Dispatch Mono features an extra large x-height, similar to our Reading Edge series of typefaces, that, along with the generous spacing, make it suitable for very small type on screen down to 9px. Font Bureau, 2012 Droid Sans Mono Fantasque Sans Mono 1 Fira mono 1 2 Founders grotesk mono Incolsolata Input 1 Letter Gothic Std Lucida Console M+ 1m Maison mono Menlo Mensch Monaco Monosten 1 Monosten A 1 Nitti 1 2 OfficeSansMono Pressura Mono Range Mono 1 Replica mono Only regular. Source Code Pro By Adobe. Triplicate 1 2 By Matthew Butterick. Previously called Alix FB.
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