w3css v3 - using w3-layout

Row 1, Column 1 of 1

This row spans the entire width.

Row 2, Column 1 of 2

Row 2 has two columns where possible, otherwise the two columns collapse into a single row on a mobile.

Row 2, Column 2 of 2

w3-layout is fab because the rows are of equal height.

Row 3, Column 1 of 3

And finally a three-column row.

Row 3, Column 2 of 3

Each row is in a w3-layout-container class, each column is in a w3-container / w3-layout-col

Row 3, Column 3 of 3

And with some CSS, there's a white border separating columns and rows.

Old School Table - width 95%, cellspacing 10, for comparison