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  <title>JS Bin</title>
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    module('$ functional utils');
        test('$.extend', function(){
            var target = {first: 'Justin'},
            object = {last: 'Meyer'};
            var result = $.extend(target,object);
            equal( result, target, 'target and result are equal');
            deepEqual(result, {first: 'Justin', last: 'Meyer'}, 'properties added correctly');
    test('$.isArray', function(){
            equal( $.isArray([]), true, 'An array is an array' );
            equal( $.isArray(arguments), false, 'Arguments are not an array' );
            var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
            var IframeArray = iframe.contentWindow.Array;
            equal( $.isArray( new IframeArray() ), true, 'Arrays from other iframes are Arrays' );
    test('$.each', function(){
            var collection = ['a','b'];
            var res = $.each(collection, function(index, value){
                if(index === 0 )    equal(value, 'a');
                else if(index === 1 ) equal(value, 'b');
                else ok(false,'called back with a bad index');
            equal(collection, res);
            collection = {foo: 'bar', zed: 'ted'};
            res = $.each(collection, function(prop, value){
                if(prop === 'foo' )      equal(value, 'bar');
                else if(prop === 'zed' ) equal(value, 'ted');
                else ok(false,'called back with a bad index');
            equal(collection, res);
            var collection = {0:'a', 1:'b', length: 2};
            var res = $.each(collection, function(index, value){
                if(index === 0 )    equal(value, 'a');
                else if(index === 1 ) equal(value, 'b');
                else ok(false,'called back with a bad index');
            equal(collection, res);
    test('$.makeArray', function(){
            var childNodes = document.body.childNodes;
            ok(! $.isArray(childNodes), 'node lists are not arrays' );
            var childArray = $.makeArray(childNodes);
            ok( $.isArray(childArray), 'made an array'  );
            equal(childArray.length, childNodes.length, 'lengths are the same');
            for(var i =0; i < childArray.length; i++){
                equal(childArray[i], childNodes[i], 'array index '+i+' is equal.');
        test('$.proxy', function(){
            var dog = {
                name: 'fido',
                speak: function(words){
                    return this.name + ' says '+words;
            var speakProxy = $.proxy(dog.speak, dog);
            equal( speakProxy('woof!'), 'fido says woof!' );
//This week we'll be filling in the following utility methods. The $ function isn't necessary just yet, just a placeholder!
$ = function() {};
$.extend = function(target, object) {};
// Static methods
var isArrayLike = function(obj) {};
$.extend($, {
  isArray: function(obj) {},
  each: function(collection, cb) {},
  makeArray: function(arr) {},
  proxy: function(fn, context) {}

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