<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<canvas width="800" height="600" id="liquid"></canvas>
var canvas;
var context;
var running = false;
var width = 0;
var height = 0;
var liquidTest;
var step = 0;
function liquidTest(gsizeX, gsizeY, particlesX, particlesY)
this.particles = [];
this.gsizeX = gsizeX;
this.gsizeY = gsizeY;
this.grid = [[]]; //Nodes
this.active = []; //Nodes
this.water = new Material(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
this.pressed = false;
this.pressedprev = false;
this.mx = 0;
this.my = 0;
this.mxprev = 0;
this.myprev = 0;
this.init = function()
var i = 0, j = 0;
this.grid = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.gsizeX; i++)
for (j = 0; j < this.gsizeY; j++)
this.grid[i].push(new Node());
var p;
for (i = 0; i < particlesX; i++)
for (j = 0; j < particlesY; j++)
p = new Particle(this.water, i + 4, j + 4, 0.0, 0.0);
this.paint = function()
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
for (var pi in this.particles)
var p = this.particles[pi];
line(4.0 * p.x, 4.0 * p.y,
4.0 * (p.x - p.u), 4.0 * (p.y - p.v));
this.simulate = function()
var drag = false;
var mdx = 0.0, mdy = 0.0;
if (this.pressed && this.pressedprev)
drag = true;
mdx = 0.25 * (this.mx - this.mxprev);
mdy = 0.25 * (this.my - this.myprev);
this.pressedprev = this.pressed;
this.mxprev = this.mx;
this.myprev = this.my;
for (var nn in this.active)
this.active.length = 0;
//var i, j;
var x, y, phi;
var fx = 0.0, fy = 0.0;
for (var pi in this.particles)
var p = this.particles[pi];
p.cx = parseInt(p.x - 0.5, 10);
p.cy = parseInt(p.y - 0.5, 10);
x = p.cx - p.x;
p.px[0] = (0.5 * x * x + 1.5 * x + 1.125);
p.gx[0] = (x + 1.5);
x += 1.0;
p.px[1] = (-x * x + 0.75);
p.gx[1] = (-2.0 * x);
x += 1.0;
p.px[2] = (0.5 * x * x - 1.5 * x + 1.125);
p.gx[2] = (x - 1.5);
y = p.cy - p.y;
p.py[0] = (0.5 * y * y + 1.5 * y + 1.125);
p.gy[0] = (y + 1.5);
y += 1.0;
p.py[1] = (-y * y + 0.75);
p.gy[1] = (-2.0 * y);
y += 1.0;
p.py[2] = (0.5 * y * y - 1.5 * y + 1.125);
p.gy[2] = (y - 1.5);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
var n = this.grid[p.cx + i][p.cy + j];
if (!n.active)
n.active = true;
phi = p.px[i] * p.py[j];
n.m += phi * p.mat.m;
n.d += phi;
n.gx += p.gx[i] * p.py[j];
n.gy += p.px[i] * p.gy[j];
var density, pressure, weight;
var n01, n02;
var n11, n12;
var cx, cy;
var cxi, cyi;
var pdx, pdy;
var C20, C02, C30, C03;
var csum1, csum2;
var C21, C31, C12, C13, C11;
var u, u2, u3;
var v, v2, v3;
for (var pi in this.particles)
var p = this.particles[pi];
cx = parseInt(p.x);
cy = parseInt(p.y);
cxi = cx + 1;
cyi = cy + 1;
n01 = this.grid[cx][cy];
n02 = this.grid[cx][cyi];
n11 = this.grid[cxi][cy];
n12 = this.grid[cxi][cyi];
pdx = n11.d - n01.d;
pdy = n02.d - n01.d;
C20 = 3.0 * pdx - n11.gx - 2.0 * n01.gx;
C02 = 3.0 * pdy - n02.gy - 2.0 * n01.gy;
C30 = -2.0 * pdx + n11.gx + n01.gx;
C03 = -2.0 * pdy + n02.gy + n01.gy;
csum1 = n01.d + n01.gy + C02 + C03;
csum2 = n01.d + n01.gx + C20 + C30;
C21 = 3.0 * n12.d - 2.0 * n02.gx - n12.gx - 3.0 * csum1 - C20;
C31 = -2.0 * n12.d + n02.gx + n12.gx + 2.0 * csum1 - C30;
C12 = 3.0 * n12.d - 2.0 * n11.gy - n12.gy - 3.0 * csum2 - C02;
C13 = -2.0 * n12.d + n11.gy + n12.gy + 2.0 * csum2 - C03;
C11 = n02.gx - C13 - C12 - n01.gx;
u = p.x - cx;
u2 = u * u;
u3 = u * u2;
v = p.y - cy;
v2 = v * v;
v3 = v * v2;
density = n01.d + n01.gx * u + n01.gy * v + C20 * u2 + C02 * v2 + C30 * u3 + C03 * v3 + C21 * u2 * v + C31 * u3 * v + C12 * u * v2 + C13 * u * v3 + C11 * u * v;
pressure = density - 1.0;
if (pressure > 2.0)
pressure = 2.0;
fx = 0.0;
fy = 0.0;
if (p.x < 4.0)
fx += p.mat.m * (4.0 - p.x);
else if (p.x > this.gsizeX - 5)
fx += p.mat.m * (this.gsizeX - 5 - p.x);
if (p.y < 4.0)
fy += p.mat.m * (4.0 - p.y);
else if (p.y > this.gsizeY - 5)
fy += p.mat.m * (this.gsizeY - 5 - p.y);
if (drag)
var vx = Math.abs(p.x - 0.25 * this.mx);
var vy = Math.abs(p.y - 0.25 * this.my);
if ((vx < 10.0) && (vy < 10.0))
weight = p.mat.m * (1.0 - vx * 0.10) * (1.0 - vy * 0.10);
fx += weight * (mdx - p.u);
fy += weight * (mdy - p.v);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
n = this.grid[(p.cx + i)][(p.cy + j)];
phi = p.px[i] * p.py[j];
n.ax += -((p.gx[i] * p.py[j]) * pressure) + fx * phi;
n.ay += -((p.px[i] * p.gy[j]) * pressure) + fy * phi;
for (var ni in this.active)
var n = this.active[ni];
if (n.m > 0.0)
n.ax /= n.m;
n.ay /= n.m;
n.ay += 0.03;
var mu, mv;
for (var pi in this.particles)
var p = this.particles[pi];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
n = this.grid[(p.cx + i)][(p.cy + j)];
phi = p.px[i] * p.py[j];
p.u += phi * n.ax;
p.v += phi * n.ay;
mu = p.mat.m * p.u;
mv = p.mat.m * p.v;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
n = this.grid[(p.cx + i)][(p.cy + j)];
phi = p.px[i] * p.py[j];
n.u += phi * mu;
n.v += phi * mv;
for (var ni in this.active)
var n = this.active[ni];
if (n.m > 0.0)
n.u /= n.m;
n.v /= n.m;
var gu, gv;
for (var pi in this.particles)
var p = this.particles[pi];
gu = 0.0;
gv = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
var n = this.grid[(p.cx + i)][(p.cy + j)];
phi = p.px[i] * p.py[j];
gu += phi * n.u;
gv += phi * n.v;
p.x += gu;
p.y += gv;
p.u += 1.0 * (gu - p.u);
p.v += 1.0 * (gv - p.v);
if (p.x < 1.0)
p.x = (1.0 + Math.random() * 0.01);
p.u = 0.0;
else if (p.x > this.gsizeX - 2)
p.x = (this.gsizeX - 2 - Math.random() * 0.01);
p.u = 0.0;
if (p.y < 1.0)
p.y = (1.0 + Math.random() * 0.01);
p.v = 0.0;
else if (p.y > this.gsizeY - 2)
p.y = (this.gsizeY - 2 - Math.random() * 0.01);
p.v = 0.0;
function Node()
this.m = 0;
this.d = 0;
this.gx = 0;
this.gy = 0;
this.u = 0;
this.v = 0;
this.ax = 0;
this.ay = 0;
this.active = false;
this.clear = function()
this.m = this.d = this.gx = this.gy = this.u = this.v = this.ax = this.ay = 0.0;
this.active = false;
function Particle(mat, x, y, u, v)
this.mat = mat;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.u = u;
this.v = v;
this.dudx = 0;
this.dudy = 0;
this.dvdx = 0;
this.dvdy = 0;
this.cx = 0;
this.cy = 0;
this.px = [0,0,0];
this.py = [0,0,0];
this.gx = [0,0,0];
this.gy = [0,0,0];
function Material(m, rd, k, v, d, g)
this.m = m;
this.rd = rd;
this.k = k;
this.v = v;
this.d = d;
this.g = g;
function line(x1,y1,x2,y2) {
function getPosition(obj) {
var p = obj.offsetParent;
var left = obj.offsetLeft;
var top = obj.offsetTop;
if (p) {
var pos = getPosition(p);
left += pos[0];
top += pos[1];
return [left, top];
function mouseMoved(event)
var pos = getPosition(canvas);
liquidTest.mx = event.pageX - pos[0];
liquidTest.my = event.pageY - pos[1];
function mousePressed(event)
liquidTest.pressed = true;
function mouseReleased(event)
liquidTest.pressed = false;
function stop()
running = false;
function start()
running = true;
function restart(gsizeX, gsizeY, particlesX, particlesY)
liquidTest = new LiquidTest(gsizeX, gsizeY, particlesX, particlesY);
running = true;
function draw()
// clear
// advance simulation
step ++;
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById('liquid');
width = canvas.width;
height = canvas.height;
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.strokeStyle = "#0000FF";
canvas.onmousedown = mousePressed;
canvas.onmouseup = mouseReleased;
canvas.onmousemove = mouseMoved;
liquidTest = new LiquidTest(100, 100, 50, 50);
setInterval(draw, 13);
setInterval(liquidTest.paint(), 13);
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