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            var Person = function(name) {
                this.name = name;
            Person.prototype.species = 'Homo Sapien';
            Person.prototype.speak =function(toWhom) { 
                return 'Hello ' + toWhom + '. My name is ' + this.name + '.';
            module('new, dot, and dotcall');
            test('DOT', function(){
        var person = new Person('Alexis');
        var species = DOT(person, 'species');
        equal(species, 'Homo Sapien', 'property accessed');
        equal(DOT(person, 'foobar'), undefined, 'property not found');
            test('DOTCALL', function() {
                var person = new Person('Alexis');
                var speak = DOTCALL(person, 'speak', ['Justin']);
                var greet = 'Hello Justin. My name is Alexis.';
                equal(speak, greet, 'method called with argument');
// Context
// person.name
// DOT(person, 'name');
DOT = function(obj, prop) {
  if(obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
    return obj[prop];
  else if(obj) {
    return DOT(obj.__proto__, prop);
// Context
// person.speak()
// DOTCALL(person, 'speak', [])
DOTCALL = function(obj, prop, args) {
  var fn = DOT(obj, prop);
  return fn.apply(obj, args);

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