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      <p id="committee_txt" class="TXT_med_blue header_text">Research Committee Members</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey"> Mary O’Brien, OTR/L, CHT<br>
           Ken Shannon, PT, DPT, OCS<br>
           Rebecca G. Stephenson, PT, DPT, MS, WCS<br>
           PJ Su, MS, CCC-SLP<br>
           Reg B. Wilcox III, PT, DPT, MS, OCS
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         <p class="TXT_sm_grey"> Mary O’Brien, OTR/L, CHT<br>
           Ken Shannon, PT, DPT, OCS<br>
           Rebecca G. Stephenson, PT, DPT, MS, WCS<br>
           PJ Su, MS, CCC-SLP<br>
           Reg B. Wilcox III, PT, DPT, MS, OCS
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      <p id="publications_txt" class="TXT_med_blue header_text">Publications</p>
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        <div class="year"><p class="TXT_med_blue">2010</p></div>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Foley LL. Weber A. Doshi S. The Effects of Yoga on Chronic Low Back Pain and Implications for the Physical Thearpist. Orthopedic Practice. 2010; 22 (4): 205-210.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">No description was available for this article.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Corbett KL. Reichmann WM. Katz JF. Beagan C. Corsello P. Ghazinour R. Dang B. Mikulinsky R. Losina E. Wright J. One-Day vs Two Day Epidural Analgesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA): A Retrospective Cohort Study. The Open Orthopedics Journal. 2010, 4: 31-38.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Over 500,000 total knee arthroplasties (TKAs) are performed annually in the US, yet postoperative pain management varies widely. In patients managed with epidural analgesia, the epidural catheter is generally removed on the second postoperative day. We compared in-hospital outcomes associated with removing the epidural catheter on postoperative day 1 (POD1-group) vs on postoperative day 2 (POD2-group) among patients undergoing TKA.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Congdon WV. Ghazinouri R. Doshi S. Sykes C. Abraham J. Application of the ICF Model in Acute Care Physial Therapy Management of a Young Man with Pelvic Chondrosarcome Following Internal Hemipelvectomy: A Case Report. Rehabiliation Oncology. 2010; 28 (2): 3-7.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">No description was available for this article.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Sanders BS. Wilcox RB. Higgins LD. Heterotopic Ossification of the Deltoid after Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair. Am J Orthop. 2010; 39 (7): E67-E71.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Heterotopic ossification (HO), a well-known sequela of trauma, burns, head injury, and certain congenital or acquired metabolic conditions, has a predilection for the hip and the elbow. This disease has uncommonly been found after elective open shoulder surgery but extremely seldom after minimally invasive surgery. In our search of the peer-reviewed literature, we found no reports of HO after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. The clinical importance of heterotopic bone after shoulder surgery remains unclear because of inconsistent definitions, varying correlations of symptom severity and radiographic findings, and lack of treatment efficacy data. Here we report a case of severely symptomatic HO after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair—successfully treated with excision of the heterotopic bone, interval release, and manipulation.</p>
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        <div class="year"><p class="TXT_med_blue">2009</p></div>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Wilcox RB. Harris BA. Arslanian LA. Carrino JA. Millett PJ. Functional Outcomes following Rotator Cuff Repair based on Tissue Quality: A Pilot Study. Orthopeadic Physical Therapy Practice. 2009; 21 (1): 9-15.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">No description was available for this article.</p>
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        <div class="year"><p class="TXT_med_blue">2008</p></div>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Camarda R. Wilcox RB. Ghazinouri R. Wilmarth MA. Acute Physical Therapy Management for a Patient with Maffucci’s Syndrome following Modified Internal Hemipelvectomy and Reconstruction with Saddle Prosthesis: A Case Report. Rehabilitation Oncology. 2008, 26 (1): 8-17.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">No description was available for this article.</p>
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        <div class="year"><p class="TXT_med_blue">2007</p></div>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Boudreau S. Boudreau E. Higgins LD. Wilcox RB. Rehabilitation following Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007, 37(12): 735-744.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Reverse or inverse total shoulder arthroplasty (rTSA) is becoming a widely accepted surgical intervention. This procedure is specifically designed for the treatment of glenohumeral (GH) joint arthritis or complex fractures, when associated with irreparable rotator cuff (RC) damage or in the presence of RC arthropathy. Additionally, rTSA is an option for the revision of a previously failed conventional total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) or hemiarthroplasty (HA) in the RC-deficient shoulder. The physical therapist, surgeon, and patient must take into consideration that the postoperative course for a patient following rTSA should be different than the rehabilitation following a traditional TSA. rTSA has only recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States; however, nearly a 20-year history of its use exists in Europe. To date, we are aware of no peer-reviewed published descriptions of the postoperative rehabilitation for patients having undergone this procedure. The purpose of this paper is to review the indications for rTSA, focusing on underlying pathology, and to outline a rehabilitation protocol founded on basic science principles and our experience working with patients following rTSA.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Munoz, Amanda A., Jo Shapiro, Lorraine Downey Cuddy, Stephanie Misono, and Neil Bhattacharyya. Videofluoroscopic findings in Dysphagic patients with Cricopharyngeal dysfunction: before and after open Cricopharyngeal Myotomy. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2007; 116 (1): 49-56.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Functional outcomes after open cricopharyngeal myotomy (CPM) for Zenker's diverticulum (ZD) and cricopharyngeal dysfunction without diverticulum (CPD) have not been uniformly measured by videofluorographic swallow study (VFSS). Here we characterize preoperative VFSS findings in these groups and evaluate the effect of CPM on swallowing via postoperative VFSS.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Goguen L, Posner M, Norris C, Tishler R, Wirth L, Annino D, Gagne A, Sullivan C. Dysphagia after sequential chemoradiation therapy for advanced head and neck cancer. Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. 2006; 134: 916-922.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Assess impact of sequential chemoradiation therapy (SCRT) for advanced head and neck cancer (HNCA) on swallowing, nutrition, and quality of life.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Cooper N. Wilcox RB. Management of a Patient with Acute Low Back Pain with Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis. Orthopedic Physical Therapy Practice. 2006; 18 (4): 9-13.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">No description was available for this article.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Millett PJ, Wilcox RB, O’Holleran J, Warner JJP. Rehabilitation of the rotator cuff - An Evaluation Based Approach. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2006 Oct;14(11):599-609.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Rotator cuff disease of the shoulder, a common condition, is often incapacitating. Whether nonsurgical or surgical, successful management of rotator cuff disease is dependent on appropriate rehabilitation. Numerous rehabilitation protocols for the management of rotator cuff disease are based primarily on anecdotal clinical observation. The available literature on shoulder rehabilitation, in conjunction with clinical observation that takes into consideration the underlying tissue quality and structural integrity of the rotator cuff, can be compiled into a set of rehabilitation guidelines. The four phases of rehabilitation begin with maintaining and protecting the repair in the immediate postoperative period, followed by progression from early passive range of motion through return to preoperative levels of function.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Wilcox RB, Fallano J, Shannon K, Carrino JA, Sinclair J, Khorasani R. Picture Archiving Communication System and it’s Impact on Image Viewing in Physical Therapy Practice. J Digit Imaging. July 2006.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Imaging plays an increasing role in physical therapy (PT) practice. We sought to determine if picture archiving and communication system (PACS) deployment would increase the proportion of imaging studies viewed by physical therapists (PTs) at the point of care and to assess PTs' perception of the value of access to imaging information. The study was performed in a 720-bed urban teaching hospital where an average of 2,000 rehabilitation visits per month are performed by 12 PTs. We compared the proportion of imaging studies viewed by PTs before and after PACS implementation. We surveyed PTs to assess their perception on the value of access to imaging studies. Film library records pre-PACS and web server audit trail post-PACS implementation were reviewed to measure access. Chi-square was used to compare proportions and trends. During the 3-month period before PACS usage, PTs viewed 1% (6/505) of imaging studies, citing time as the primary barrier. Post-PACS, the proportion of imaging studies viewed rose from 28% (95/344, second month) to 84% (163/192, fifth month) (p  0.0001, chi-square). Most PTs believed that access to imaging studies has high value and has a positive impact on clinical practice. Physical therapists rarely viewed imaging studies before PACS due to time barriers. They viewed more imaging studies (84%) post-PACS and felt that access to imaging studies has a positive impact on clinical practice. Further studies are needed to assess whether PACS enhances PTs clinical decision making and improves patient outcomes.</p>
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        <div class="year"><p class="TXT_med_blue">2005</p></div>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Paris, MJ, Wilcox RB, Millett PJ. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Surgical Management and Postoperative Rehabilitation Considerations. Orthopedic Physical Therapy Practice. 2005; 17 (4):14-24.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">No description was available for this article.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Wilcox RB, Arslanian LE, Millett PJ. Rehabilitation Following Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2005; 35 (12):832-836.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) is a standard operative treatment for a variety of disorders of the glenohumeral joint. Patients, who have continued shoulder pain and loss of function in the presence of advanced joint pathology, despite conservative management, are often managed by undergoing a TSA. The overall outcomes that are reported after surgical intervention are quite good and appear to be primarily determined by the underlying pathology and the tissue quality of the rotator cuff. The current Neer protocol for postoperative TSA rehabilitation is widely used and based on tradition and the basic science of soft tissue and bone healing. The purpose of this paper is to review the indications for TSA, focusing on the underlying pathologies, and to describe the variables that impact the rehabilitation program of individuals who have had a TSA. A postoperative TSA rehabilitation protocol and algorithm, founded on basic science principles and tailored toward the specific clinical condition, are presented.</p>
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          <p class="TXT_sm_grey">Wilcox RB, Arslanian LE, Millett PJ. Management of a Patient with an Isolated Greater Tuberosity Fracture and Rotator Cuff Tear. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2005;35(8):521-530.
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      <p class="description TXT_sm_blue">Patients with hyperflexion/hyperabduction injury to the glenohumeral joint are at risk for isolated greater tuberosity fractures, which are often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. In this case report, we describe the clinical decision-making process that led to the diagnosis of an isolated greater tuberosity fracture and subsequent rotator cuff tear.</p>
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