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//emit after five seconds then complete
const fiveSecondTimer = Rx.Observable.timer(5000);
//once timer (outer observable) fires and completes, latest emitted values from inner observables will be output, in this case there is a single value
const example = fiveSecondTimer.mapTo(Rx.Observable.of('Hello', 'World'));
const combined = example.combineAll();
//ex output: ["Hello"]...["World"]
const subscribe = combined.subscribe(val => console.log('Values from inner observable:', val));
//combineAll also takes a projection function that receives emitted values
const fiveSecondTimer = Rx.Observable.timer(5000);
const example = fiveSecondTimer.mapTo(Rx.Observable.of('Hello', 'Goodbye'));
const combined = example.combineAll(val => `${val} Friend!`);
//ex output: "Hello Friend!"..."Goodbye Friend!"
const subscribeProjected = combined.subscribe(val => console.log('Values Using Projection:', val));

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