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<title>JS Bin</title>
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  article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup, 
  menu, nav, section { display: block; }
  <p id="hello">Hello World df kasfsdkalf sdklfjsdlkjf skdfj dskf kfjkl sdkjfsdlkf jsdlkfj lsdjf klsd fjlkdjf k  dffgasg sdfgsd gsdg sgagsafgsfgsfg sgasragsg sgsfgdagasfgsfagsagsfagasg</p>
  @author: remy sharp /
    feedback - the selector for the element that gives the user feedback. Note that this will be relative to the form the plugin is run against.
    hardLimit - whether to stop the user being able to keep adding characters. Defaults to true.
    useInput - whether to look for a hidden input named 'maxlength' instead of the maxlength attribute. Defaults to false.
    words - limit by characters or words, set this to true to limit by words. Defaults to false.
  @license: Creative Commons License - ShareAlike
  @version: 1.2
  @changes: code tidy via Ariel Flesler and fix when pasting over limit and including \t or \n
(function ($) {
$.fn.maxlength = function (settings) {
    if (typeof settings == 'string') {
        settings = { feedback : settings };
    settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.maxlength.defaults, settings);
    function length(el) {
      var parts = el.value;
      if ( settings.words )
        parts = el.value.length ? parts.split(/\s+/) : { length : 0 };
      return parts.length;
    return this.each(function () {
        var field = this,
          $field = $(field),
          $form = $(field.form),
          limit = settings.useInput ? $form.find('input[name=maxlength]').val() : $field.attr('maxlength'),
          $charsLeft = $form.find(;
      function limitCheck(event) {
          var len = length(this),
              exceeded = len >= limit,
            code = event.keyCode;
          if ( !exceeded )
            switch (code) {
                case 8:  // allow delete
                case 9:
                case 17:
                case 36: // and cursor keys
                case 35:
                case 37: 
                case 38:
                case 39:
                case 40:
                case 46:
                case 65:
                    return settings.words && code != 32 && code != 13 && len == limit;
        var updateCount = function () {
            var len = length(field),
              diff = limit - len;
            $charsLeft.html( diff || "0" );
            // truncation code
            if (settings.hardLimit && diff < 0) {
              field.value = settings.words ? 
                  // split by white space, capturing it in the result, then glue them back
                field.value.split(/(\s+)/, (limit*2)-1).join('') :
                field.value.substr(0, limit);
        if (settings.hardLimit) {
$.fn.maxlength.defaults = {
    useInput : false,
    hardLimit : true,
    feedback : '.charsLeft',
    words : false

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