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    <title>WebGL Demo</title>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <script id="shader-fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
        precision highp float;
        const float PI = 3.14159265359;
        uniform float uTime;
        uniform vec2 uResolution;
        float random(float p)  {
            return fract(sin(p) * 10000.);
        float noise(vec2 p) {
            float t = uTime / 2000.;
            if (t > 1.)
                t -= floor(t);
            return random(p.x * 14. + p.y * sin(t) * .05);
        vec2 sw(vec2 p) {
            return vec2(floor(p.x), floor(p.y));
        vec2 se(vec2 p) {
            return vec2(ceil(p.x), floor(p.y));
        vec2 nw(vec2 p) {
            return vec2(floor(p.x), ceil(p.y));
        vec2 ne(vec2 p) {
            return vec2(ceil(p.x), ceil(p.y));
        float smoothNoise(vec2 p) {
            vec2 inter = smoothstep(0., 1., fract(p));
            float s = mix(noise(sw(p)), noise(se(p)), inter.x);
            float n = mix(noise(nw(p)), noise(ne(p)), inter.x);
            return mix(s, n, inter.y);
        mat2 rotate(in float theta) {
            float c = cos(theta);
            float s = sin(theta);
            return mat2(c, -s, s, c);
        float circ(vec2 p) {
            float r = length(p);
            r = log(sqrt(r));
            return abs(mod(4. * r, PI * 2.) - PI) * 3. + .2;
        float fbm(in vec2 p) {
            float z = 2.;
            float rz = 0.;
            vec2 bp = p;
            for (float i = 1.; i < 6.; i++)
                rz += abs((smoothNoise(p) - 0.5)* 2.) / z;
                z = z * 2.;
                p = p * 2.;
            return rz;
        void main() {
            vec2 p = gl_FragCoord.xy / uResolution.xy - .5;
            p.x *= uResolution.x / uResolution.y;
            p *= 4.;
            float rz = fbm(p);
            p /= exp(mod(uTime * 1.5, PI));
            rz *= pow(abs(0.1 - circ(p)), .9);
            vec3 col = vec3(0.2, 0.1, 0.643) / rz;
            gl_FragColor = vec4(col, 1.0);
    <script id="shader-vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
        attribute vec3 aVertexPosition;
        void main() {
            gl_Position = vec4(aVertexPosition, 1.0);
        var canvas, gl;
        var vertexPositionLocation;
        var resolutionLocation, resolution;
        var timeLocation, time;
        var startTime;
        var vertices = [
            -1.0, -1.0,
            1.0, -1.0,
            -1.0, 1.0,
            -1.0, 1.0,
            1.0, -1.0,
            1.0, 1.0
        function resize() {
            canvas.width = canvas.offsetWidth;
            canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight;
            gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        function compileShader(shaderSource, shaderType) {
            var shader = gl.createShader(shaderType);
            gl.shaderSource(shader, shaderSource);
            return shader;
        function getShader(id){
            var shaderScript = document.getElementById(id);
            var shaderSource = "";
            var textLine = shaderScript.firstChild;
            while(textLine) {
                // 3 - TEXT_NODE
                if (textLine.nodeType == 3)
                    shaderSource += textLine.textContent;
                textLine = textLine.nextSibling;
            var shader;
            if (shaderScript.type == "x-shader/x-fragment")
                shader = compileShader(shaderSource, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
            else if (shaderScript.type == "x-shader/x-vertex")
                shader = compileShader(shaderSource, gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
                return null;
            return shader;
        function drawScene(){
            gl.uniform1f(timeLocation, time);
            gl.uniform2fv(resolutionLocation, resolution);
            gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
        function render() {
            resolution = [canvas.width, canvas.height];
            time = ( - startTime) / 1000;
        function bootstrap() {
            canvas = document.getElementById("holder");
            gl = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl"); // OpenGL ES 2.0
            window.addEventListener("resize", resize);
            var fragmentShader = getShader("shader-fs");
            var vertexShader = getShader("shader-vs");
            var shaderProgram = gl.createProgram();
            gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader);
            gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader);
            resolutionLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram,
            timeLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram,
            vertexPositionLocation =
                    gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "aVertexPosition");
            var buffer = gl.createBuffer();
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
                    new Float32Array(vertices), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(vertexPositionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
            startTime =;
        body {
            position: absolute;
            left: 0;
            top: 0;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
        canvas {
            position: relative;
            border: none;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
<body onload="bootstrap();">
<canvas id="holder"></canvas>

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