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<meta name="description" content="Demo: Stache Data Helper">
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<script type="template/stache" id="stacheTemplate">
<h3>Using the Data Helper with data other than the current Stache context.</h3>
  <!-- Setting the event data manually. -->
  <li {{data 'person' event}}>{{name}}</li>
<h3>Recalling data later</h3>
The data from the first list item is
<strong id="output"></strong>
var data = {
  event:"Half Marathon",
    {name: 'Austin'},
    {name: 'Homer'}
// Reference the template by its id and render with the data.
      can.view('stacheTemplate', data));
// Retrieving the data that was set in the template.
var event = $('li:first-child').data('person');
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