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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
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<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
  <!-- Paged List - Start -->
  <script id="/partials/paged-list.html" type="text/ng-template">
    <div class="content">
      <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-animated">
          <th ng-repeat="header in headers">
          <tr ng-repeat="item in pageItems" script-transclude>
  <!-- Paged List - End -->
  <!-- Auto-pagination - Start -->
  <script id="/partials/auto-pagination.html" type="text/ng-template">
    <pagination num-pages="numPages" current-page="currentPage" previous-text="{{previousText}}" next-text="{{nextText}}" class="pagination"></pagination>
  <!-- Auto-pagination - End -->
<body ng-controller="Ctrl">
  <span ng-show="clients">
    {{clients.length}} records | {{clients | pages: pageSize}} pages
  <span ng-hide="clients">Waiting for data...</span>
  <div class="well">
    <paged-list data="clients" current-page="currentPage" page-size="pageSize" headers="headers">
      <script type="text/html">
  <auto-pagination data="clients" page-size="pageSize" current-page="currentPage" previous-text="Anterior" next-text="Seguinte">
.table-animated {
  margin-bottom: 0px;
var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $element, $timeout){
  $scope.pageSize = 4;
  $scope.currentPage = 1;
  // Simulates data coming from an external service
  var getData = function () {
    $scope.clients = [
      { first: 'Marco', last: 'Alves' },
      { first: 'Susana', last: 'Coutinho' },
      { first: 'Maria', last: 'Rita' },
      { first: 'Angélica', last: 'Manteigas' },
      { first: 'Angular', last: 'JS' },
      { first: 'j', last: 'Query' },
      { first: 'underscore', last: 'js' },
      { first: 'boot', last: 'strap' },
      { first: 'direct', last: 'ive' },
      { first: 'filt', last: 'er' },
      { first: 'serv', last: 'ice' }
  $scope.headers = ['First', 'Last'];
  $timeout(getData, 3000);
// Customizable animated paged list directive. Pages changes are animated.
// Row content can be customized by providing a template wrapped within a 
// script tag -- see scriptTransclude for more. Headers are customizable via
// attribute.
app.directive('pagedList', function($filter){
  var pageFilter = $filter('page');
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: '/partials/paged-list.html',
    scope: { data: '=', currentPage: '=', pageSize: '=', headers: '=', config: '=' },
    transclude: true,
    link: function(scope, element){
      var $content = $(element).find('.content');
      var state = {
        height: undefined
      // Default configurations
      var config = { 
        speed: 400, 
        directions: {
          next: { hide: 'left', show: 'right'},
          prev: { hide: 'right', show: 'left'}
      // Override default configs with user-provided configs
      angular.extend(config, scope.config);
      // Helper that checks if there are page items defined
      var dataIsReady = function(){
        var pageItems = scope.pageItems;
        var isReady = angular.isDefined(pageItems) && pageItems.length >= 1;
        console.log('data is ready', isReady);
        return isReady;
      // Helper that calculate the height of the content
      var calculateHeight = function(){
        var contentHeight = $content.find('table').outerHeight(true);
        return contentHeight;
      // Sets the height of the container only once: when the rows 
      // corresponding to the data are inserted in the DOM
      var updateHeight = function(){
        if (!state.height && dataIsReady()) {
          state.height = calculateHeight();
          console.log('set height to', state.height);
      // Helper to hide the current page
      var hide = function(direction, clbk){
         $content.hide('slide', {direction: direction}, config.speed, clbk);
      // Helper to show the next page
      var show = function(direction, clbk){
         $'slide', {direction: direction }, config.speed, clbk);
      // Handles animation according to direction of page number change
      // If is is the first time, does not animate and shows the first
      // page. If page number increases/decrease, it animates accordingly
      // left/right
      var advancedSwitch = function(curr, prev){
        var bothDefined = angular.isDefined(curr) && angular.isDefined(prev);
        var decrease = bothDefined && prev > curr;
        var increase = bothDefined && prev < curr;
        var first = curr === prev;
        if (first) {
        if (increase) {
        if (decrease) {
      // Helper that andles page transition (hides the current page 
      // and shows the next one)
      var simpleSwitch = function(direction){
        hide(direction.hide, function(){
          if (!scope.$$phase) scope.$apply();
      // Uses the pageFilter to get items corresponding to the
      // given page number (defined by currentPage)
      var getPageItems = function(){
        var data =;
        var pageSize = scope.pageSize;
        var currentPage = scope.currentPage;
        var pageItems = pageFilter(data, currentPage, pageSize);
        console.log('page items for: ', currentPage, ' of ', pageSize, ' : ', pageItems, ' of ', data);
        return pageItems;
      var updatePageItems = function(){
        scope.pageItems = getPageItems();
      // Used to check if the first page data has been loaded
      // and it has resulted in the corresponding number of rows
      var rowCount = function(){
        return $content.find('table').find('tr').length;
      var onPageChange = function(curr, prev){
        console.log(curr, prev);
        advancedSwitch(curr, prev);
      var onDataChange = function(){
      scope.$watch('currentPage', onPageChange, true);
      scope.$watch('data', onDataChange, true);
      scope.$watch(rowCount, updateHeight, true);
// Directive that creates a pagination just by given the related data and
// the page size. It builds on top of the ui-bootstrap pagination directive
// Uses the pages filter to determine how many pages are required for a
// given data set and page size  
app.directive('autoPagination', function($filter){
  var pageFilter = $filter('pages');
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: '/partials/auto-pagination.html',
    scope: { 
      data: '=', pageSize: '=', maxSize: '=', currentPage: '=',
      nextText: '@', previousText: '@'
    link: function (scope, element) {
      var updatePages = function(){
        var pages = pageFilter(, scope.pageSize);
        scope.numPages = pages;
      scope.$watch('data', updatePages, true);
      scope.$watch('pageSize', updatePages, true);
// Returns the items for the given page number of a data set and given
// page size
app.filter('page', function(){
  return function (array, page, pageSize){
    if (!angular.isDefined(array)) return [];
    page = page === undefined? 1: page;
    pageSize = pageSize === undefined? 10: pageSize;
    var start = pageSize * (page - 1);
    var end = pageSize * page;
    return array.slice(start, end);
// Returns the number of pages for a data set and give page size
app.filter('pages', function () {
  return function(array, pageSize){
    var dataSize, completePages, incompletePage, pages;
    if (array) {
        dataSize = array.length;
        pageSize = pageSize === undefined? 10 : pageSize;
        pages = Math.ceil(dataSize / pageSize);
        return pages;
// Handles transclusion of strange cases such as transcluding a td into a tr
// it require that the transcluded content has to wrapped in script that
// has a type attribute of "text/html"
app.directive('scriptTransclude', function(){
  return {
    compile: function(elem, attrs, transcludeFn){
      transcludeFn(elem, function(clone){
        $content = $(clone).filter('script').text();
        $(elem).append($content.replace(/&lt;/gi, '<').replace(/&gt;/gi, '>'));
// Provides a slice of an array just like the array.prototype.slice method
// --- Not used in this example
app.filter('slice', function () {
  return function (array, start, end) {
    if (array) {
      start = start === undefined? 0: start;
      end = end === undefined? array.length : end;
      return array.slice(start, end);
// Creates an array of integers
// --- Not used in this example
app.filter('range', function(){
  return function(input, start, end, step){
    var range = [];
    for (var i = start; i < end; i += step) {
    return range;

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