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  <title>An element query experiment by @scottjehl</title>
<h1>An element query experiment by <a href="">@scottjehl</a></h1>
<div class="example-layout">
  <p class="mod mod-foo">The background of this element will change depending on its own width</p>
 <h2> How to</h2>
 <li>Give an element a class of <code>mod</code> and whatever other classes you might need for styling it.
&lt;p class="mod mod-foo"&gt;...&lt;/p&gt;
<li>Claim that element’s potential element query breakpoints in your CSS by setting its <code>:before</code> selector’s <code>content</code> property value with space-separated numbers, like this:
.mod-foo:before {
   content: "300 450 620";
<li>For all elements with this "mod" class, a little JavaScript will set and maintain (on resize) a <code>data-minwidth</code> attribute on them containing a subset of the widths that are less-than-or-equal-to the element’s own width. You can use that to write selectors like this, which says, “if the data-minwidth attribute contains the 450”:
.mod[data-minwidth~="450"] {
  background: blue;
<p>That’s about it. Here’s the CSS for the sample element on this page:</p>
.mod-foo:before {
  content: "300 410 500";
.mod-foo {
  background: green;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 20px;
.mod-foo[data-minwidth~="300"] {
  background: blue;
.mod-foo[data-minwidth~="410"] {
  background: red;
.mod-foo[data-minwidth~="500"] {
  background: gray;
.mod:before {
   display: none;
/* set up some element query breakpoints for mod-foo */
.mod-foo:before {
  content: "300 410 500";
.mod-foo {
  background: green;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 20px;
.mod-foo[data-minwidth~="300"] {
  background: blue;
.mod-foo[data-minwidth~="410"] {
  background: red;
.mod-foo[data-minwidth~="500"] {
  background: gray;
/* demo styles for the layout surrounding the element query element */
body {
margin: 30px;
font-family: sans-serif;
.example-layout {
  background: tan;
@media (min-width: 350px){
  .example-layout {
    padding-right: 25%;
@media (min-width: 550px){
  .example-layout {
    padding-right: 50%;
  An element query experiment by @scottjehl
(function( w ){
    function updateModAttributes(){
        var mods = w.document.querySelectorAll( ".mod" );
        for( var m = 0; m < mods.length; m++ ){
            var mod = mods[ m ],
                breakpoints = w.getComputedStyle( mod, ":before" ).getPropertyValue( "content" ),
                widths = breakpoints.replace(/[^\d ]/g,"").split( " "),
                modWidth = mod.clientWidth,
                minWidths = [];
            for( var i = 0; i < widths.length; i++ ){
                if( parseFloat( widths[ i ] ) <= modWidth ){
                    minWidths.push( widths[ i ] );
            mod.setAttribute( "data-minwidth", minWidths.join( " " ) );
    w.addEventListener( "load", updateModAttributes, false );
    w.addEventListener( "resize", updateModAttributes, false );
})( this );
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