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    <title>US Movie Genres by County</title>
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  <body class="claro">
    <div id="esri-map-container"></div>
    <div id="esri-basemapgallery-container" class="esriBasemapGallery"></div>
    <div id="esri-colorinfoslider-container">
      <div id="title"></div>
        <select id="color-renderer-theme">
          <option value="high-to-low" selected>High to low</option>
          <option value="above-and-below">Above and below</option>
          <option value="centered-on">Centered on</option>
          <option value="extremes">Extremes</option>
      <div id="esri-colorinfoslider"></div>
      <input type="checkbox" id="sliderZoomButton"/> Show histogram detail
    <pre id="results"></pre>
    <script src="//"></script>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * main styles
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
html, body, #esri-map-container {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  color: #5c5c5c;
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  color: #5c5c5c;
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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * esri/dijit/BasemapGallery
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
.esriBasemapGallery {
  overflow-x: auto;
  overflow-y: hidden;
  max-width: 1206px;
  height: 120px;
  max-height: 120px;
  position: absolute;
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  background: #fafafa;
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  padding: 5px;
  border: 1px solid #5c5c5c;
.esriBasemapGallery div {
  white-space: nowrap;
.esriBasemapGallerySelectedNode .esriBasemapGalleryThumbnail {
  border-color: #5c5c5c;
  border-width: 4px;
.esriBasemapGalleryLabelContainer {
  font-family: "Avenir LT W01 85 Heavy", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 0.75em;
.esriBasemapGalleryNode {
  float: none;
  display: inline-block;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Div and title for esri/dijit/ColorInfoSlider
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
#esri-colorinfoslider-container {
  position: absolute;
  top: 162px;
  left: 10px;
  border-radius: 10px;
  background-color: #fafafa;
  border: 1px solid #5c5c5c;
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  padding: 10px;
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#title {
  font-weight: 600;
  text-align: center;
  font-family: "Avenir LT W01 85 Heavy", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * esri/dijit/Popup
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
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  width: 260px;
.esriPopup .sizer.content table {
  max-width: 400px;
  width: 240px;
.esriPopup .movie-summary {
  font-weight: 700;
  font-size: 1.125em;
  border-bottom: none;
.esriPopup .movie-desc {
  line-height: 250%;
.esriPopup .attr-name {
  max-width: 410px;
  width: 400px;
  line-height: 1.125em;
.esriPopup .attr-value {
  text-align: right;
.esriPopup table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
.esriPopup td {
  border-bottom: 1px solid #5c5c5c;
/*result container*/
#results {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
  z-index: 999;
  height: 400px;
  width: 300px;
  overflow-y: auto;
  background: #fff;
  border: solid 1px;
  font: 0.7em "Open Sans", sans-serif;
    ], function (
      array, dom, number, on,
      esriBasemaps, Color, Basemap, BasemapGallery, ColorInfoSlider, busyIndicator, 
      InfoTemplate, FeatureLayer, Map, FeatureLayerStatistics, smartMapping, 
      SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol
      var fipsLookup = {"30": "MT", "54": "WV", "37": "NC", "22": "LA", "45": "SC", "36": "NY", "49": "UT", "08": "CO", "24": "MD", "25": "MA", "26": "MI", "27": "MN", "06": "CA", "21": "KY", "04": "AZ", "23": "ME", "46": "SD", "47": "TN", "44": "RI", "09": "CT", "42": "PA", "29": "MO", "40": "OK", "41": "OR", "35": "NM", "05": "AR", "28": "MS", "02": "AK", "13": "GA", "01": "AL", "20": "KS", "11": "DC", "10": "DE", "39": "OH", "38": "ND", "15": "HI", "48": "TX", "17": "IL", "16": "ID", "55": "WI", "18": "IN", "31": "NE", "56": "WY", "51": "VA", "50": "VT", "53": "WA", "34": "NJ", "19": "IA", "32": "NV", "12": "FL", "33": "NH"};
      // Only show the movie genre fields in the InfoTemplate
      var movieFieldsArray = [ "MP20049a_B", "MP20050a_B", "MP20051a_B", "MP20052a_B", "MP20053a_B", "MP20054a_B", "MP20055a_B", "MP20056a_B", "MP20057a_B", "MP20058a_B"];
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      // variables that change with UI interaction
      // BasemapGallery selection and ColorInfoSlider theme changes
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      var basemap = "gray";
      var theme = "high-to-low";
      var fieldName = "MP20044a_B"; // Attd a movie in /6 mos
      var url = "";
      var mapOptions = {basemap: basemap, center: [-115.84, 36.14], level: 9};
      var map = new Map("esri-map-container", mapOptions);
      var busyIndicator = busyIndicator.create({target: "esri-colorinfoslider", imageUrl: "images/busy-indicator.gif", backgroundOpacity: 0});
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      // InfoTemplate and InfoWindow highlight symbol
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      FormatMovieGenreCount = function (value, key, data, options){
        // console.log("value: ", value, " key: ", key, " data: ", data, " options: ", options);
        return number.format(value);
      FormatFIPSToStateAbbr = function (value, key, data, options){
        // console.log("value: ", value, " key: ", key, " data: ", data, " options: ", options);
        return fipsLookup[value];
      // InfoWindow FillSymbol highlight
      var sfs = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
        new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
          new Color("#5c5c5c"), 4), new Color("#fafafa")
      map.infoWindow.set("fillSymbol", sfs);
      var geoenrichedFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(url, {outFields: ["*"]});
      var featureLayerStatistics = new FeatureLayerStatistics({layer: geoenrichedFeatureLayer, visible: false});
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Create the ColorInfoSlider widget and initialize. Pass in an initial
      // stops parameter, will be replaced later.
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      var colorInfoSlider = new ColorInfoSlider({
        colorInfo: {
            {color: new Color([92,92,92]), label: "50", value: 50}, 
            {color: new Color([92,92,92]), label: "51", value: 51}
      }, "esri-colorinfoslider");
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Create the BasemapGallery widget and populate it using the settings
      // from esri/basemaps
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      var basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
        showArcGISBasemaps: false,
        map: map
      }, "esri-basemapgallery-container");
      for (var basemap_key in esriBasemaps) {
        var esriBasemap = esriBasemaps[basemap_key];
          new Basemap({
            id: basemap_key,
            layers: esriBasemap.baseMapLayers,
            thumbnailUrl: esriBasemap.thumbnailUrl,
            title: esriBasemap.title
        if (basemap_key == basemap) {
      basemapGallery.on("selection-change", function (event){
        basemap =;
        //console.log("New basemap:", basemap);
        if (geoenrichedFeatureLayer.loaded) {
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      // After the FeatureLayer loads, format the Popup and calculate the
      // suggested scale range from the FeatureLayerStatistics plugin
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      geoenrichedFeatureLayer.on("load", function (){
        //console.log("FeatureLayer loaded");
        //Configure InfoTemplate on FeatureLayer
        var content = "<table>";
        content += "<tr><td colspan='2' class='movie-summary'>Popular: <b>${PredominantMovieGenre}</b> by ${PredominantMovieGenreByPercent}%</td></tr>";
        content += "<tr><td colspan='2' class='movie-desc'>Movie attendance / 6 months by Genre</td></tr>";
        array.forEach(geoenrichedFeatureLayer.fields, function (field){
          //            console.log("%s: %s",, movieFieldsArray.indexOf(;
          if (movieFieldsArray.indexOf( !== -1) {
            content += "<tr><td class='attr-name'><b>" + field.alias.replace("Movie genre seen at theater/6 mo: ",
              "") + "</b></td><td class=\"attr-value\">${" + + ":FormatMovieGenreCount()}</td></tr>";
        content += "</table>";
        geoenrichedFeatureLayer.setInfoTemplate(new InfoTemplate("${NAME} County, ${STATE_FIPS:FormatFIPSToStateAbbr()}", content));
        //ColorInfoSlider panel title
        dom.byId("title").innerHTML = + "<br>" + array.filter(geoenrichedFeatureLayer.fields, function (field){
          return === fieldName;
        //suggest scale range
        featureLayerStatistics.getSuggestedScaleRange().then(function (scaleRange){
          //console.log("suggested scale range", scaleRange);
          geoenrichedFeatureLayer.setScaleRange(scaleRange.minScale, scaleRange.maxScale);
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Function for calling smartMapping and FeatureLayerStatistics plugin
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      function updateSmartMapping(){
        //create and apply color renderer
          layer: geoenrichedFeatureLayer,
          field: fieldName,
          basemap: basemap,
          theme: theme
        }).then(function (colorRenderer){
          //console.log("create color renderer is generated", colorRenderer);
          var data = colorRenderer.renderer.toJson();
          var js = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
          document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = js;
          if (!geoenrichedFeatureLayer.visible) {
          // --------------------------------------------------------------------
          // Calculate the Histogram
          // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            field: fieldName,
            numBins: 10
          }).then(function (histogram){
            //console.log("histogram is created", histogram);
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Update the ColorInfoSlider and apply FeatureLayerStatistics histogram
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            var sliderHandleInfo = getSliderHandlePositions(theme);
            colorInfoSlider.set("colorInfo", colorRenderer.renderer.visualVariables[0]);
            colorInfoSlider.set("minValue", colorRenderer.statistics.min);
            colorInfoSlider.set("maxValue", colorRenderer.statistics.max);
            colorInfoSlider.set("statistics", colorRenderer.statistics);
            colorInfoSlider.set("histogram", histogram);
            colorInfoSlider.set("handles", sliderHandleInfo["handles"]);
            colorInfoSlider.set("primaryHandle", sliderHandleInfo["primaryHandle"]);
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            // process slider handle changes
            // Object with keys: type, field, normalizationField, stops
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            colorInfoSlider.on("handle-value-change", function (sliderValueChange){
              //console.log("handle-value-change", sliderValueChange);
              var data = geoenrichedFeatureLayer.renderer.toJson();
              var js = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
              document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = js;
            // recreate the renderer when the theme changes
            dom.byId("color-renderer-theme").onchange = function (){
              theme = this.value;
                layer: geoenrichedFeatureLayer,
                field: fieldName,
                basemap: basemap,
                theme: theme
              }).then(function (colorRenderer){
                var data = colorRenderer.renderer.toJson();
                var js = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
                document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = js;
                //console.log("create color renderer is generated", colorRenderer);
                var sliderHandleInfo = getSliderHandlePositions(theme);
                colorInfoSlider.set("minValue", colorRenderer.statistics.min);
                colorInfoSlider.set("maxValue", colorRenderer.statistics.max);
                colorInfoSlider.set("colorInfo", colorRenderer.renderer.visualVariables[0]);
                colorInfoSlider.set("handles", sliderHandleInfo["handles"]);
                colorInfoSlider.set("primaryHandle", sliderHandleInfo["primaryHandle"]);
              }).otherwise(function (error){
                colorInfoSlider.showHistogram = false;
                console.log("An error occurred while changing the theme, Error: %o", error);
            // update the slider's zoomed state
            dom.byId("sliderZoomButton").onchange = function(){
              var zoomOptions, 
              // If checked
                // Get current handle values
                bottomHandlerValue = colorInfoSlider.get("colorInfo").stops[0].value;
                topHandlerValue =  colorInfoSlider.get("colorInfo").stops[4].value;
                // Calculate the minimum and maximum values of the zoomed slider 
                zoomInViewBottomValue = bottomHandlerValue - (topHandlerValue - bottomHandlerValue) / 3;
                zoomInViewTopValue = topHandlerValue + (topHandlerValue - bottomHandlerValue) / 3;
                // Fallback to statistics if values are out of expected range
                if (zoomInViewBottomValue < colorRenderer.statistics.min) {
                  zoomInViewBottomValue = colorRenderer.statistics.min;
                if (zoomInViewTopValue > colorRenderer.statistics.max) {
                  zoomInViewTopValue = colorRenderer.statistics.max;
                // Histogram generation using new values
                getHistogramParams = {
                  field: fieldName,
                  numBins: 10,
                  minValue: zoomInViewBottomValue,
                  maxValue: zoomInViewTopValue
                // Use new FeatureLayer statisticsPlugin module
                  zoomOptions = {
                    "histogram": histogram,
                    minSliderValue: zoomInViewBottomValue,
                    maxSliderValue: zoomInViewTopValue
                  // Update the Slider
                  colorInfoSlider.set("zoomOptions", zoomOptions);                
                // Unzoom the Slider
                colorInfoSlider.set("zoomOptions", null);
          }).otherwise(function (error){
            console.log("An error occurred while calculating the histogram, Error: %o", error);
        }).otherwise(function (error){
          console.log("An error occurred while creating the color renderer, Error: %o", error);
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Update ColorInfoSlider handle positions based upon theme chosen.
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      function getSliderHandlePositions(theme){
        switch (theme) {
          case "high-to-low":
            return {
              handles: [0, 4],
              primaryHandle: null
          case "above-and-below":
            return {
              handles: [0, 2, 4],
              primaryHandle: 2
          case "centered-on":
            return {
              handles: [0, 2, 4],
              primaryHandle: 2
          case "extremes":
            return {
              handles: [0, 2, 4],
              primaryHandle: null
          case "group-similar":
            return {
              handles: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
              primaryHandle: null

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