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//Create an observable that emits a value every second
const myInterval = Rx.Observable.interval(1000);
//After three values are emitted, pass on as an array of buffered values
const bufferThree = myInterval.bufferCount(3);
//Print values to console
//ex. output [0,1,2]...[3,4,5]
const subscribe = bufferThree.subscribe(val => console.log('Buffered Values:', val));
bufferCount also takes second argument, when to start the next buffer
for instance, if we have a bufferCount of 3 but second argument (startBufferEvery) of 1:
1st interval value:
buffer 1: [0]
2nd interval value:
buffer 1: [0,1]
buffer 2: [1]
3rd interval value:
buffer 1: [0,1,2] Buffer of 3, emit buffer
buffer 2: [1,2]
buffer 3: [2]
4th interval value:
buffer 2: [1,2,3] Buffer of 3, emit buffer
buffer 3: [2, 3]
buffer 4: [3]
const bufferEveryOne = myInterval.bufferCount(3,1);
//Print values to console
const secondSubscribe = bufferEveryOne.subscribe(val => console.log('Start Buffer Every 1:', val))

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